Adult Group Ministries
Bible Study
Monday evenings and Wednesday Mornings
Prayer Shawl
Every Monday at 5:00 p.m in the bridal parlor. Knitting or crochet lessons available.
First Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Choir Room
Monday evenings and Wednesday Mornings
Prayer Shawl
Every Monday at 5:00 p.m in the bridal parlor. Knitting or crochet lessons available.
First Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Choir Room
Chancel Choir:
Organist: Christina Menking Pianist: Bill Meadows
Practices on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and participates in leading our Worship at the 8:30 a.m. service and on special occasions. Everyone is welcome to come be a part of this choir. Come and offer your gifts with a wonderful group of people!
Praise Team
Leads the 10:45 Contemporary Worship service in song.
Organist: Christina Menking Pianist: Bill Meadows
Practices on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and participates in leading our Worship at the 8:30 a.m. service and on special occasions. Everyone is welcome to come be a part of this choir. Come and offer your gifts with a wonderful group of people!
Praise Team
Leads the 10:45 Contemporary Worship service in song.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry began in Gonzales in May of 2004. A small group began making shawls for those in need of a physical representation of God’s love. As shawls are made they are prayed over and are then distributed.
We continue to knit or crochet shawls on Monday evenings at First UMC in the Prayer Room from 6:00p.m. – 7:00p.m. All are welcome and there are no skill level or denominational restrictions. Come and join this time of fellowship and ministry.
About the Shawls
“The word “Shawl came into the English language in 1662 , from the Persian word shAl. Shawls have been made for centuries; they are universal and embracing; they comfort and enfold; wrap and warm; mother and hug; shelter and beauty. Those who knit or crochet them and those who receive them are loved and blessed.
A group of women who participated in the first Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Hartford, Connecticut, began the shawl-knitting ministry in 1998. Vicky Galo started knitting shawls for women who were undergoing treatment for breast cancer and other illnesses; Janet Bristow started knitting shawls for new mothers. Other members of the Institute began knitting shawls for their friends, family members, and people who just needed a shawl.
People knit shawls for many different reasons. Shawls celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, friendship and love, and professional and personal achievements. If one could wear the heartfelt sentiments often found in a greeting card, it would be as a shawl. Shawls console those who are grieving, comfort those who are ill, bring hope to those who are in despair. Parents knit shawls for their children; children knit shawls for aging parents. The reasons to knit a shawl are as numerous as the people who knit and receive them.
This ministry continues to grow. When you wear your shawl, you are connected with many people throughout the world.”
This text was adapted from the original by Victoria A. Cole and Janet Bristow.
We continue to knit or crochet shawls on Monday evenings at First UMC in the Prayer Room from 6:00p.m. – 7:00p.m. All are welcome and there are no skill level or denominational restrictions. Come and join this time of fellowship and ministry.
About the Shawls
“The word “Shawl came into the English language in 1662 , from the Persian word shAl. Shawls have been made for centuries; they are universal and embracing; they comfort and enfold; wrap and warm; mother and hug; shelter and beauty. Those who knit or crochet them and those who receive them are loved and blessed.
A group of women who participated in the first Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Hartford, Connecticut, began the shawl-knitting ministry in 1998. Vicky Galo started knitting shawls for women who were undergoing treatment for breast cancer and other illnesses; Janet Bristow started knitting shawls for new mothers. Other members of the Institute began knitting shawls for their friends, family members, and people who just needed a shawl.
People knit shawls for many different reasons. Shawls celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, friendship and love, and professional and personal achievements. If one could wear the heartfelt sentiments often found in a greeting card, it would be as a shawl. Shawls console those who are grieving, comfort those who are ill, bring hope to those who are in despair. Parents knit shawls for their children; children knit shawls for aging parents. The reasons to knit a shawl are as numerous as the people who knit and receive them.
This ministry continues to grow. When you wear your shawl, you are connected with many people throughout the world.”
This text was adapted from the original by Victoria A. Cole and Janet Bristow.
GCAM donations may be made at GCAM or in the donation box in the Narthex.
Christmas Food Boxes...December
Disaster Relief as needed.
GISD Educator Luncheon in August on the Wednesday before school begins
Coffee and Conversation. Unsure where to go on Sunday mornings, come by our kitchen where you will find coffee, hot chocolate, cinna-mon toast, biscuits and jelly. There you will find conversation or a Sun-day School class.
5th Sunday Family Reunions. On this Sunday there is a combined Worship Service and a Fellowship luncheon following the service.
Ladies Luncheons are held in the spring, summer, fall and winter. For dates or information call the church office at 830-672-8521.
Christmas Food Boxes...December
Disaster Relief as needed.
GISD Educator Luncheon in August on the Wednesday before school begins
Coffee and Conversation. Unsure where to go on Sunday mornings, come by our kitchen where you will find coffee, hot chocolate, cinna-mon toast, biscuits and jelly. There you will find conversation or a Sun-day School class.
5th Sunday Family Reunions. On this Sunday there is a combined Worship Service and a Fellowship luncheon following the service.
Ladies Luncheons are held in the spring, summer, fall and winter. For dates or information call the church office at 830-672-8521.
Wesley Nurse Programs: All Free to the Public
Every Monday through Thursday at 2p.m. at FUMC Fellowship Center. Adults exercise to a 45 minute video by Leslie Sansone with low impact aerobic walk exercises. RN is present with blood pressure and BMI assessments available.
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 11 a.m. at FUMC Fellowship Center. Adults exercise to a 45 minute class of Sit and Be Fit, flex and tone exercises offered by RN.
First Wednesday of every month, @ 1p.m. at FUMC. Support Group for Alzheimer’s Caregivers.
Second Monday of every month, @ 12 noon, at FUMC. Support Group for Cancer Support Group.
Office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Schedule varies due to Wesley Nurse meetings and
programs. Call for appointment at 830-672-1031.
Diabetic education and diabetic supplies offered to uninsured and low income clients.
Health-wellness education programs offered by Wesley Nurse at FUMC and for local organizations.
Wesley Nurse Health Ministry Board meets quarterly at FUMC. If interested in being a part of this program, please contact Wesley Nurse or FUMC office.
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 11 a.m. at FUMC Fellowship Center. Adults exercise to a 45 minute class of Sit and Be Fit, flex and tone exercises offered by RN.
First Wednesday of every month, @ 1p.m. at FUMC. Support Group for Alzheimer’s Caregivers.
Second Monday of every month, @ 12 noon, at FUMC. Support Group for Cancer Support Group.
Office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Schedule varies due to Wesley Nurse meetings and
programs. Call for appointment at 830-672-1031.
Diabetic education and diabetic supplies offered to uninsured and low income clients.
Health-wellness education programs offered by Wesley Nurse at FUMC and for local organizations.
Wesley Nurse Health Ministry Board meets quarterly at FUMC. If interested in being a part of this program, please contact Wesley Nurse or FUMC office.